
10 Most Influential Poetry Collections

After reading Emily Lloyd's blog on her 10, I thought I'd give it a try. Here are ten collections that have had the most lasting impact on me as a poet:

1. Geography III, Elizabeth Bishop
2. The Bridge, Hart Crane
3. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, William Blake
4. Turtle Island, Gary Snyder
5. Satan Says, Sharon Olds
6. The Dream of a Common Language, Adrienne Rich
7. Narrow Road to the Interior, Basho
8. The Only World, Lynda Hull
9. Dreamtigers, Jorge Luis Borges
10. Duino Elegies, Ranier Maria Rilke

I'm not sure I can be trusted with this list. Number 1 is number 1-- after that, it's all weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Where is The Waste Land or Howl or The Branch Will Not Break ...?

1 comment:

The Lettershaper said...

Enjoyed my stay here.