the miraculous comes so close…
a sketch of Akhmatova by Amedeo Modigliani, 1911
I don’t read novels or essays to pass the time … don’t watch films so I can be entertained … not music … and not poetry.
I read poetry so I can witness a rip in the universe. I read poetry to change my life. So I change my life daily – a shattering free of my static moment. And the moment is all I have.
Anna Akhmatova understands. Her words have their own flight pattern.
“Everything Is Plundered…”
Everything is plundered, betrayed, sold,
Death’s great black wing scrapes the air,
Misery gnaws to the bone.
Why then do we not despair?
By day, from the surrounding woods,
cherries blow summer into town;
at night the deep transparent skies
glitter with new galaxies.
And the miraculous comes so close
to the ruined, dirty houses—
something not known to anyone at all,
but wild in our breast for centuries.
– 1921
(Trans. Stanley Kunitz and Max Hayward)
I've printed this one out and tacked it above my desk. Sam, your blog is fast becoming my favorite stop. Thank you.
I echo Suzanne. I visit two blogs religiously, on a daily, daily basis, blogs that sort of put my head and heart in the right place even if I'm having a hugely crappy day. One of those blogs is the Thoreau blog which feels like I've stepped into a foggy field or a moonlit forest. The other blog is your blog, Sam. The poems you're posting and your thoughts regarding those poems feed my head/heart/soul in ways I can't articulate. Thanks for smoothing out my ruffles, sir. I can be completely agitated or bored or apathetic and the instant I come here and read your words, I'm relaxed, I'm focused, and I care about words and the world again.
Truly, your blog is a gift. A haven.
Thanks Suzanne and Laurel for reading. I appreciate your words.
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