
pulled into Nazareth...

The weight of poetry is such that it’s nearly impossible for a writer to escape the bulk and heft of all other writers (the living and the dead, as Louise Brooks would say) ... to find the new. Nearly impossible, but not.

And voice – so much noise … the thin strand of sound is mostly lost in the wall. Have to listen hard, find it, then speak.


Nick said...

Yup, sometimes it's hard pulling this weight, but such is the poet's lot! Sometimes, it gets so bad that I want to put the weight back on "Annie". ;-)

beLLe said...

~damn straight~

Have I mentioned that I absolutely love to visit here?


LKD said...

Bulk and heft.

Good band names. I wanna play bass in a band called Heft.

But I digress.

What I really meant to say is that your quote reminded me of the book The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

I wonder if there is an unbearable lightness of voice.