
"who would have thought..."

Terrible and sad news from Knoxville - about an hour and forty-five minutes from where I'm typing...

A church shooting as reoported in the Knoxville News Sentinel...

I'm reminded of Max von Sydow's line in Hannah and Her Sisters ... asking why or how this happened is the wrong question. Why doesn't it happen more often?

That is a devastating notion.


Anonymous said...

When that becomes the default question in such circumstances, it will be time to head for the hills.

sam of the ten thousand things said...

I agree. That's Allen's sad point in Hannah. Thanks for the visit.

Collin Kelley said...

Another Christian terrorist whipped into a frenzy by Hannity and his ilk. Sickening.

sam of the ten thousand things said...

Terrorists do have many faces. That is a strong but accurate term.